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Population in households in Hartford County. This was 0039 of total US population and 347 of total Connecticut state population.

Over Time Hartford S Historical Population Connecticut History A Cthumanities Project

Most students graduating from Universities in Hartford CT are White 1793 and 618 followed by Black or African American 393 and 135 Hispanic or Latino 362 and 125 and Unknown 145 and 499.

Hartford ct population 2014. Married 15yrs older 30. Stamford rose to third. West Hartford reached its highest population of 63396 in 2014.

The largest demographic living in poverty are Females 35 - 44 followed by Males 18 - 24 and then Females 75. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties and for cities and towns with a population of 5000 or more. Hence the population of Hartford.

Language other than English spoken at home percent of persons age 5 years 2014. Just in 2014 Hartford County had 149 residents move to Wake County home to Raleigh NC while just 71 moved here from there. Therefore each year it has been noticed that the population decreases by around 5596.

The current population of Hartford Connecticut is 121203based on our projections of the latest US Census estimates. Ten years ago metro Raleighs job base was 14 percent smaller than. Persons per household 2014-2018.

Living in same house 1 year ago percent of persons age 1 year 2014-2018. Population density sq mi 7153. By contrast the.

West Hartford is a town in Hartford County Connecticut United States 5 miles west of downtown Hartford. Wind speeds 207-260 mph tornado 82 miles away from the Hartford city center killed 3 people and injured 500 people and caused between 50000000 and 500000000 in damages. The population count of Hartford Metro Area CT was 1215159 in 2014.

22 rows Based on the latest 2020 data from the US census the current. 141 of the population for whom poverty status is determined in East Hartford CT 701k out of 499k people live below the poverty line a number that is higher than the national average of 131. The five largest cities in the state are now Bridgeport 146417 New Haven 130529 Stamford 129026 Hartford 123628 and Waterbury 108672.

Incorporated as a town in 1854 West Hartford was previously a parish of Hartford. Hartford city Connecticut. Area of Hartford city is 181 mi² 468 km² in this year population density was 690657 pmi².

Total population in Hartford. The towns popular downtown area is colloquially known as West Hartford Center or simply The Center and is centered on Farmington Avenue and SouthNorth Main Street. The population was 63268 at the 2010 census.

West Hartford Center has been the communitys main hub since the late 17th century. On 1031979 a category F4 max. While checking the population of Hartford from the year 2014-18 you can notice a reduction of 2798 in the past 5 years.

Families w Kids under 18. Population of Hartford CT Last official estimated population of Hartford city Hartford County Connecticut state was 124705 year 2014. West Hartford is currently declining at a rate of 000 annually and its population has decreased by -032 since the most recent census which recorded a population of 63268 in 2010.

The US Census estimates the 2018 population at 122556The last official US Census in 2010 recorded the population at 124775. Hartford-area historical tornado activity is slightly above Connecticut state averageIt is 18 smaller than the overall US. Census American Community Survey ODN Dataset API - Notes.

The student population of Hartford CT is skewed towards women with 5998 male students and 7933 female students. 5 to 9 years. Population Above charts are based on data from the US.

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