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A shield volcano is a wide volcano with shallowly-sloping sides. Basaltic lava is a type of lava that has a low viscosity while.

Why Shield Volcanoes Are So Big Quora

Shield volcano in British English.

Definition of shield volcanoes. What Is a Shield Volcano. Basaltic magma which is high in temperature very low on silica and with low gas content -. The islands themselves were created by.

Ein Schildvulkan ist ein großer Vulkan mit oft vielen Meilen Durchmesser und leicht abfallenden Seiten. Definition of shield volcano. Since low-viscosity magma is typically low in silica shield volcanoes are more common in oceanic than.

Structures of this type are large dome-shaped mountains built of lava flows. Shield volcanoes are formed by lava flows of low viscosity - lava that flows easily. Shield volcanoes have the following characteristics.

A shield volcano has a broad shape due to having been formed by multiple lava flows. A broad rounded volcano that is built up by successive outpourings of very fluid lava see volcano illustration. Small shield volcanoes may form rapidly from almost continuous Read More.

This surface resembles a warriors shield which is why they are. American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Shield volcanoes so named for their broad shield-like profiles are formed by the eruption of low-viscosity lava that can flow a great distance from a vent.

Die Lava - das geschmolzene oder flüssige Gestein das während eines Ausbruchs ausgestoßen wird - aus Schildvulkanen hat eine weitgehend basaltische Zusammensetzung und eine sehr niedrige Viskosität sie ist flüssig. Although the type of eruptions found in a shield volcano can vary most experience effusive eruptions. Shield volcanoes synonyms Shield volcanoes pronunciation Shield volcanoes translation English dictionary definition of Shield volcanoes.

They generally do not explode catastrophically but are characterized by relatively gentle effusive eruptions. Collins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged 12th Edition 2014 HarperCollins Publishers 1991 1994 1998 2000 2003 2006 2007 2009 2011 2014. Copyright HarperCollins Publishers.

An example of a shield volcano is Mauna Loa in Hawaii. Consequently a volcanic mountain having a. A shield volcano is the largest kind of volcano that erupts a thin low-viscosity basaltic lava gently and over a large area.

Their name derives from their similarity in shape to a warriors shield lying face up. A broad volcano built up from the repeated nonexplosive eruption of basalt to form a low dome or shield usually having a large caldera at the summit. Shield volcanoes have the following characteristics.

Because there are multiple flow points for the lava a gently sloping surface is created. Some of the best-known shield volcanoes are found in the Hawaiian Islands. Shield volcano definition a volcano formed entirely from accumulated flows of fluid lava growing a few feet at a time and giving the volcano its broad gently sloping profile.

The leading theory on the formation of. Geological Science a broad volcano built up from the repeated nonexplosive eruption of basalt to form a low dome or shield usually having a large caldera at the summit. The definition of a shield volcano is a type of volcano with gently sloping sides that are made from multiple fluid lava flows.

A broad domed volcano with gently sloping sides characteristic of the eruption of fluid basaltic lava. Shield volcanoes are found on constructive plate margins where two plates move away from one another. A volcano composed of gently sloping sheets of basaltic lava from successive volcanic eruptions.

Shield volcanoes are usually composed of basalt. This type of volcano is formed as a result of lava flowing over a period of time. Debris flow deposits formerly called polygenic breccias are found intercalated between the submarine shield volcano and the horizontal lava flows.

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